
Who am I

My name is Christian and I was firstly diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation (AFib, AF) close to my 41th birthday (Two years later I was launching this blog).

Shortly before my “new condition” started, I found myself in situation that nowadays would be summarized under a “Burnout” condition.

I am an Information Technologies engineer and got an MBA in Performance Management. For many years I was working as a Business Consultant and IT-Project Manager in production industry.

From my 16th birthday on there were three things in my life that I had put on priority: education, work and … worrying about my future.

As I will describe later in this blog this and some other factors might be a good precondition for getting a little bit out of balance in my life.

Why this blog?

My first AFib-Episode started after I got a symptomatic standard treatment for my “Burnout” what means an antidepressant and blood pressure agents. In those days I learned much about the saying “For a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail.” (… and western medicine knows very big hammers and even bigger nails.)

Two years after my diagnosis I nearly started to believe what the most doctors had told me: “There is no cure, you have to live with that condition, take your pills and/or go for an ablation. There are no other options.”

For some time I was a really “good boy” and went down that “pill road”. But after a short time I got so many new symptoms that I had to stop the whole intake. (Note: Before I did that I had a complete body checkup where no structural heart desease was found and also many consultations with different doctors to discuss my decision.)

The “other option” ablation I always thankfully denied, because of some gut feeling that told me that this would be also not the best choice for me. Maybe especially reminding the fact that nothing “structural” was found, that might have explained my AFib-Condition, I got more and more sceptic about the quite invasive “options” that were offered to me by western medicine.

I was asking myself:

“How can somebody treat or better cure something if he or she doesn’t know the cause?”

Regarding the treatment options I was offered by my doctor, I had that kind of feeling you have while buying a used car: You know something is wrong, missing or untold, but you don’t know what it is before you have done your first trip proudly fetching your new girlfriend to show her your new “Baby”.

By the way: Remembering my first used car I have bought it was the starter motor that failed one day after I have bought it and I used a hammer blow to fix it – just like in Western Medicine.

But the hammer blow was only a “symptomatic” treatment and a short time later I needed a new starter motor.

Keeping all this in mind I at least decided to be much more careful in the future regarding suggested “treatments” of this kind.

Some months later on a dark rainy day in January I was getting more and more depressed about my new AFib-condition but I remembered that I am also an engineer and not “just” only an AFib-Patient.

In my business life I had heard the sentences: “There are no other options!” and “It is like it is!” very often. In most times this turned out to be wrong. It was my business to find options.

So I got the idea to start my own “Self Cure”-Experiment.

After much of research and many (crazy) trials later I had found out for example that I could stop my “AFib-Episodes” myself by a special procedure that I have developed by try and error. This procedure I have called “My BackToSinus”-Procedure”.

After this procedure worked 15 times in a row for me it gave me much of that confidence back that I had lost in the past. I felt my hands being back on the steering wheel and I thought for myself it might be helpful for others too to see that there are some more “options” than those ones I have been told of.

That’s the reason why I have started this blog.

It is made for giving inspiration and reasonable hope to all others who are travelling down this road with me together.

Christian Bruegge
Hamburg, in April 2020

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi you said in a YouTube video that on your website there were some recipes for foods helpful fo afib, but I can’t find any at all🤔Please help🙏🏽


    1. Hi Bhavna,

      thx for your comment, this helps me much to improve my content.

      The nutrition page is here (I will add new recepies there from time to time):


      Another page where I will add supplements you can find here:


      (Actually I am testing Magnesium Citrate (pure from the health shop, without artificial flavors etc.) in a few weeks I will be able to decide if it is worth to list too. Actually it seems to be very helpful, but let’s see.)

      An overview of the blog you can find under my story:

      Happy to have you here. Let me know if you have some further questions. 🙂

      Sincerely, Christian


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